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Dr. Phil Valentine

Dr. Phil Valentine

Educator, Historian


Dr. Phillip Valentine, DCN; DHS; DMpS

aka: Hry Snw Djhwty Sa Khw-Ra Mhtp

Title: Hm Ntr-Nb Hr Ssht; Npw Ndjty Sbk

Doctor of Classical Naturopathy-Hygienic Science; Grand Master of the KeMetaphysical Sciences;

Minister: Ecclesiastical Jurisdictor (CN#-PT5102-864), as recognized at Public Law 94-583, 90 Statute 2892 – “Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations” (April 18.1961); A Founding Father of the “Conscious Community”; Meta-Historian; Clinical Hypnotherapist; Counselor; Secured Party Creditor; Polymath; Lecturer …

…Is the founder, director and pastor of the Temple of the Healing Spirit—Self-Healing Education Center, co-Founder of the University of Kemetian Sciences – Institute for Self-Mastery, and just recently, Whole Wellness Live. A certified member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (I.A.C.T.), he received his doctorate in Hygienic Health Science and Classical Naturopathy from The Life Science Institute of Texas, now merged to the Fit for Life Sciences Institute—College of Natural Health in Canada. Dr. Valentine is also recognized globally as one of the Founding Fathers of the underground Metaphysical- Grass Roots “Conscious Community.”

A former member of the American Natural Hygienic Society, Dr. Valentine is currently a Hygienic Science and Metaphysical Health Consultant to doctors and lay practitioners as far away as Azania (South Africa), Canada, Australia, Kenya, Trinidad, Jamaica, Great Britain, Ghana, Japan and the Philippines.

For five years, Dr. Valentine served as co-director of the original Heal Thyself Natural Living Education Center in Brooklyn, and helped create, format, refine and teach the 21-Day Therapeutic Fasting /Juice Feasting Program — the first of its kind to become widely popular with New York’s African American community. He also inspired, co-created and helped develop the now popular “Sacred Woman” philosophy—protocols of life, health and metaphysical well-being for women, which led to the publishing of a wonderful book by the same name by Queen Afua.

Dr. Valentine established the former School of Arcane Sciences for advanced studies in metaphysics and the occult, and is best known for his ability to decipher and teach the subtlest principles of metaphysics and its application to health, healing, and everyday life, in ways that may be understood by both the advanced student and the beginner-apprentice.

Reverend Doctor Phillip Valentine has been an honorary guest speaker to the United Nations by invitation of the then Pan-African Congress of Azania (South Africa), where he spoke briefly on the future of health for Autochthones Americans and Africans at home and in the Diaspora. He was a committee member and advisor to the Pan-African Review for Scientific Research and Political Studies where he served as an honorary health consultant to its membership.



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